Wednesday 9 July 2014

Kayak fishing essential tools

so kayak fishing requires quite a bit of preparation. just remember that you'll need the essentials when being out at sea and you certainly wouldn't want to forget anything important especially since you wont be able to get them easily unless you make the effort to head back to shore to retrieve them.

Fishing equipment:
purposes:obvious reasons so dont forget else you would be stuck with nothing to do at the beach but just kayak.
so what else is there to bring?a small tackle box.considering that the boat does not have much space to place your things,a small box will help you change your setup easily and conveniently.

Cutting tools:
items:Scissors, pliers and pen knives.
purpose: cutting of bait, cutting of rope/string, releasing the boat from obstacles such as nets or seaweed.

strapping tools: 
items: carabiners and nylon rope/coms cord.
purpose: carabiners are really useful out at sea to secure all your items so even when they fall overboard or the boat capsizes you can be assured that your items will not sink into the sea.also they provide a quick way of securing things instead of having to always tie them with rope.

nylon rope has many purposes out there. be it securing your anchor for the kayak or using it as a temporary gill cuff when you catch a big fish.also they help in securing your items just like what a carabiner will do.

supplements out at sea:
items: high energy food and drinks(water,isotonic drinks)
purpose:the weather can be hot out there and will definitely cause dehydration in your body so do pack enough water(at least a litre) to ensure that you are feel good and will be properly hydrated.

food is usually optional but bring something that is easy to consume such as energy bars or light snacks.often kayak drains a lot of energy and you'll definitely feel hungry out there.

containment equipment:
items: live bait container, waterproof bags, plastic bags
first of it is always easier to have a live bait container instead of a plastic bucket with a pump.
we bought this particular one from Daiso(insect cage) and it works like a charm.
this shouldnt be considered a recommendation but a must.waterproof bags are definitely a must.your boat is bound to get wet either from taking in water while paddling or when it rains and you're a long way from shore.
anchoring items:
items:an actual anchor about 1.5kg, rope to secure to any structure out at sea
purpose: so not many people are aware that you will drift out at sea if not properly tied down to something or by something. so it is important to have something to weigh you down to ensure that you dont have to consistently paddle back and forth to stay in the same spot.

so these are the basic essentials to have when out at sea!sounds like alot of items?not really if you consider that everything can be packed into a bag!

we're just starting out as well so that's all we have for you!this post will be updated as we go along!

cheers and peace out!


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