Sunday 8 June 2014

Tamban and Croaker Cereal Fish Recipe

by: Abel Yeo

croaker fish or tamban fish is best when deep fried due to their natural salty taste. but here to add alittle more zest to a conventional norm of deep frying and eating it plain,we're here to tell you that mixing it with cereal is the next best thing!

-Oil( sufficient for deep frying)
-salt for seasoning
Recommended Cereal Mix 
-1 pack cereal mix 
-1-2 stalk curry leaves
-30g of salted butter
1) gut and remove head of fishes
2) season with salt
3) deep fry fishes
4) melt butter and fry with curry leaves until fragrant
5) add in fried fish and toss
6) turn down heat and add cereal
7) mix thoroughly until evenly distributed
8) serve 



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