Sunday 29 June 2014

Lower Pierce Reservoir(everyone is asking us to try so might as well)

Lower pierce reservoir!everyone seems to be hyped out about this place and recommending it to us!We dont usually go for freshwater fishing but there's a first for everything.

first of all,our gear wasnt meant for freshwater fishing.we had a heavier tackle setup with a spinning rod and reel!

at first,we were using plastic lures bought from riverland!they weren't cheap and they got us nothing as well(never going to invest in that again)

about to give in but someone approached us and introduced us to his home made flies.

Immediately after using the fly,Fish on!Here's our first and only catch of the day!Peacock Bass!Most common and prized in reservoirs!
The evening had come and it was about 6pm already so we decided to call it a day.but just as we were packing up, we heard a commotion coming from the other end of the legal fishing ground.

and it was the most ghetto fisherman I've ever seen!
all he had was a spool of strong mono line!it wasnt even in a proper spool but those you get when you buy string!you'll soon see in the pictures!
  A featherback fish!WOW first I've seen caught wild!
It was huge!what was used?he simply caught a few small fishes from the rocky areas of the reservoir and used it as live bait! here's an estimate of the size of the fish!I wear size 9 for my slippers so you ca have a good gauge!

Where would you like to see us go next?do leave a comment and we'll reply you!
thanks !

cheers and peace out!


  1. I want to see you all go congo catch goliath tigerfish!

  2. okay we will!sounds like fun!catch nile perch!
