Wednesday 11 June 2014

Catch and Release?? Whats that!

High Low fellows!

Today we are gonna get some education!!!!!!111
Why do we bother releasing the fishes we catch? Doesn't that not make sense at all???
Well today i'm gonna try my best to explain to you the whole concept of sustainable fishing!

Sustainable Fishing 101
In Singapore, we don't have any legislation stipulating the minimum size of our fish that we bring back, or have any bag limits. This means we technically could bring back any number of fish we caught, be it big or small. Now what this means, is that all them baby fishes, pregnent mama fish, teenage fish, or old grandfather fish are free for all.
"Now thats good for us Ghetto Fisherman Ong!" is what I imagine you are saying to me. But let me tell you why it's not.

Baby fish, have a chance to grow bigger, and enter puberty, and reproduce. This reduces future population of fishes.
Pregnant mama fish, hasn't had a chance to lay her eggs! Reducing future population!
Teenage fish are fine cause they're dirt bags baby. [give me a shoutout if you caught this]
Old Grandfahter Fish just taste bad, and are best used as profile pictures.

Today i'm just gonna focus on the plight of Baby fish, and Old grandfather fish.
By bringing home your small tiny fishes, first of all it really requires too much effort to clean before you can cook it.. and when you do cook it, its really too small to be of any significance... why not release it, so that it can grow bigger, populate more, increasing our catch rates in the future, and finally catch them again?

Old Grandfather fishes, are any of those huge fishes that people have on their phones to brag to their friends. Now these guys are 10s of years old! 20's 30s 40s  50s? These fish are really old! It honestly takes a good couple of years for some species of fish to grow large, and by taking them home, it firsts reduces the gene pool, and reduces this particular specimen from the game! Nobody else will ever have a chance to catch that particular large fish! But most importantly... Old Large fish dont taste as good.. they're not tender.. they just taste.. meh.

So please we beg of you.. Release those baby fishes.. Release those mega fishes.. So that all of us can continue to enjoy fishing without going to another country! Very expensive one leh!!! Also so next time I can bring my future wife and kids to enjoy this wonderful sport! Releasing that one fish wont kill you.. But it may just kill off the game for our future.

Thanks for reading and I hope this Public Service Announcement has explained to you guys why CnR is very impt.!
Take note, I still do bring home fish to eat. But just bring back what is enough, and only if its of a good size! We are so lucky to have fresh fish markets now, and our refrigerators are only so big!

Cheers and Fish On!
Ghetto Fisherman Ong

Ghetto Fishing Tip #19: If we abuse the population in SG, we have to go overseas to catch fish, which means its gonna be more expensive to fish!!!


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