Sunday 29 June 2014

changi catch report 2

We're back at Changi beach once again!relatively quiet day with slow catch rate.
this was due to the low tide that day.

first good catch of the day was a tuskfish which belongs to the same family as the parrotfish. Caught on a small hook using sarong worms! it was the biggest surprise of the day as we heard these are commonly caught further out at sea. after admiring its beauty and taking pictures,it was safely released.

this was caught near shore with a squid jig.sea weed and kelp densed areas are best to catch them. this was caught by someone just behind us!now that we know that its present here, we'll be jigging soon after casting our rods out.

Wrasse are common catches near the shore as well.they come in a variety of attractive colours and are no bigger than the size of your index finger. resembles a paddlepop ice cream colouration! of course released back for obvious reasons.

just a slow and peaceful day!
cheers and peace out


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